North America Travel

10 Most Famous Things For Visitors to See and Do in New York

Trying to decide what to do when you visit New York? Start with this list of New York City’s most popular attractions to get started planning your trip to the Big Apple. Popularity naturally brings crowds, but these attractions are all popular for a reason — they’re all pretty great.

Many of the attractions on this list are iconic New York institutions and could very well be on your NYC bucket-list. Do you find the idea of going to a popular attraction unappealing? I’ve listed the attractions in order of increasing popularity, but each of the highlighted attractions welcomes more than one million visitors annually!

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  • Reply
    January 22, 2017 at 11:01 pm

    If you want to get a gorgeous cityscape, I really suggest getting to Gantry Plaza in Long Island City . You just need to take the 7th train from Grand Central to Long Island City, and get out on the next stop – Vernon Blvd. Then, after 5 minutes walk, you can enjoy a nice park, a few piers and a fantastic view of Manhattan.

    • Reply
      January 25, 2017 at 11:24 am

      thank you!

  • Reply
    February 3, 2017 at 7:14 am

    All of these tourist spots in New York are truly iconic. I think they will never be unappealing and overrated. Great post! Also, I love your blog’s look and feel.

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